Irish potato is the major food crop which plays an important and key role in food security of Rwandans. Its production is mainly located at high altitudes in the Northern and Western provinces. The production of potato is highly dependent on quality of seed. Consequently, governements, researchers, and civil society organizations are very concerned about the development of the potato seed sector.
Formal and informal seed systems for potatoes are frequently distinguished.
By informal systems, Farmers obtain potato seed from three main sources: his/her own harvest, other farmers, the local markets. This system is inconsistent and frequently of poor quality, which contributes to very big yield disparities.
The use of this system may be due to:
- Unawareness of the certified seed presence in the market,
- The high price,
- The low seed availability,
- Unwillingness to buy certified seed.
In developing countries, implementation of structured seed systems have mostly failed; as a result, the majority of low-resource farmers use an informal way to obtain their seed.
Formal seed supply system involves chain of activities promoting and use of certified seed.
Potato cultivation represents the largest household income source for the sectors with the highest potatoes production levels, it is important to use the high quality seeds which are certified obtained from seed producers.